Many Japanese Reiki Techniques focus upon the development of the practitioner through meditation and energy work. The meditation develops awareness and sensitivity to one’s inner and outer environment as well as a degree of detachment from the chatter of the mind. It’s worth noting that there is a difference between meditation and visualisation techniques.
Visualisation involves the mind thinking something. When we are visualising we are not aware so much of the inner or outer environment as we are focusing using the mind. Awareness is of great help when working with others, and it helps us to feel the energy within ourselves. Hence when we are practicing certain techniques, we do it with gentle awareness as opposed to concentration or visualisation. Other techniques my require concentration, which would mean the development of the ability to focus upon one thing only. Others require visualisation techniques. Some require all three skills. The Japanese Reiki meditation techniques are simple and safe techniques to develop the mind and the energy body.
The energy work (which can involve visualisation) develops the amount of Ki flowing through the meridians and energy centers. Of primary concern is the development of a strong Lower Hara / Dan Tien, the driving force of energy and our physical center. Energy work will release old physical and mental tensions, unblock and cleanse the body. It can help to free the mind from habits. It strengthens the body on many levels and balances the mind which helps with meditation. A strong Lower Hara keeps us balanced.
Mikao Usui created his teachings to help the development of his students. The practices may have varied according to the abilities of the student. The techniques and philosophy of Reiki come from the rich spiritual heritage of Japan, China and India. These include Shintoism, Tendai Buddhism, Pureland Buddhism, Tantric Buddhism, Kikko and martial arts.
All the aforementioned are Eastern Esoteric traditions. Many such traditions have very special meaning and significance for the breath, breathing and working with the breath. The breath is considered to be the bridge between the body and consciousness, sacred. Not only do we inhale oxygen but also Ki / Chi / Prana, the stuff of consciousness itself.
The esoteric traditions use many techniques to develop students spiritually. Many of these techniques involve breathing with awareness in energy centers, movement of breath and awareness through meridians and energy centers, physical movement and movement of awareness with breath control. All will affect one’s consciousness and energy body.